The Logic Of The Second Crisis Position

A short argument


An author signature of Fletcher Spence or Fletcher Spruce

Found in a clipping in a used book I purchased

source unknown

All Christendom is agreed on two basic points: (1) That there is sin in the human heart even from the time of birth; and (2) That there is no sin in heaven. Our differences are concerned with the time and manner of deliverance from sin.

Some groups teach that sin is both forgiven and cleansed away at the time of conversion--that God saves and sanctifies simultaneously--that we get both works of grace at the same time.

Others teach that we grow into holiness after we are saved--that sinlessness is achieved by the process of maturity.

Others believe that we are delivered from the nature of sin in the hour and article of death--that dying cleanses.

Still others insist that there are fires of purgatory through which all must go after death to be purged of sin.  

But we believe the Bible teaches a second definite work of grace, subsequent to regeneration, whereby the believer is cleansed from the nature of sin, and sanctified wholly.

Without elaborate scriptural references (of which there is an abundance) let us look at the logic of the later position. Suppose the man who says we get it all at once is right and we are wrong; we are still safe, for we got it all at once and didn't know it! Or suppose the man who says we are sanctified by growth is right and we are wrong; we are still safe, for we shall grow into it also! Or suppose the man who says we will be cleansed in the hour of death is right and we are wrong; we are still safe, for we shall die also! Or suppose the man who says we shall be purged by purgatory's fires is right and we are wrong; we are still safe, for all must go through purgatory, this includes us!

Therefore there is safety in the logic of the second crisis position, even aside from God's eternal Word, which supports it!

Biblical Theology


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